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Zibo ruibao chemical co., LTD.

Zibo ruibao chemical co. LTD

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Phone: 13053341533

Tel: 86-533-2062115

Fax: 86-533-2061629

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Tel: 86-533-7986956


Phone: 15216432668



Fax: 86-533-6286937

Website: www.uautotest.com/en



Address: lijia village, sibaoshan, zibo development zone

What is calcium formate and its use


Calcium formate, also known as calcium formate, is a feed additive, suitable for all kinds of animals, with acidification, anti-mildew, antibacterial and other effects, also used in the industry as concrete, mortar additives, leather tanning or as a preservative.

Calcium formate USES:

1. As a new feed additive. Feed calcium formate can increase weight, often used as a small pig feed additives, can promote the small pig appetite and reduce the rate of diarrhea.

2. In industry, it can be used as quick solidifying agent, lubricant and early-strength agent for cement. Used in building mortar and all kinds of concrete, can speed up the hardening speed of cement, shorten the setting time, especially in winter construction, avoid low temperature setting speed too slow. Quick demoulding, so that cement as soon as possible to improve the strength into use.

3. Market studies at home and abroad have shown that adding 1% ~ 1.5% calcium formate to the diet of piglets can significantly improve the performance of weaned piglets. The German study found that adding 1.3% calcium formate to the diet of weaned piglets could improve the feed conversion rate by 7% ~ 8%, and adding 0.9% could reduce the occurrence of diarrhea in piglets.



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Copyright ? Zibo ruibao chemical co., LTD. All rights reserved ICP 10204987 -1 Specializing inCalcium formate manufacturer, calcium formate manufacturer, sodium formate manufacturer,Welcome to inquire! Service support:huaqilifang